Unfortunately, car accidents can happen to anyone, even if you’re a careful driver and obey all the rules, But, what happens if you’re involved in a car accident, not at fault and no insurance covers your car repairs?

Here’s what you should do if this happens to you.
Get The At-Fault Driver’s Information
In accidents where you’re not at fault, it’s the other driver’s insurance policy that has to cover the car insurance repair. So, it’s really important to get all the contact details of the other driver.
Make Sure You Take Note Of The Registration Details Of The Other Car
Take a note of the registration number of the other car or cars involved in the accident.
Call The Police
Whenever you’re involved in an accident, especially if it’s not your fault, you should contact the police so that they can create an accident report.
Get As Much Visual Evidence Of The Accident
Take as many photos as you can of the vehicles involved and the damages that have occurred.
Try To Get The Contact Details Of Any Witnesses
Approach any witnesses and ask if they’re willing to give you their contact details. If you’ve called the police, they will usually do this for you.
Get Your Vehicle Assessed
Get in touch with us here at Bridge Road Body Works so that we can assess the damage to your vehicle and give you an idea of how much the repairs are going to cost.
Try To Negotiate A Settlement With The At-Fault Driver
If the at-fault driver is insured, you might want to contact his or her insurance company to try and negotiate a settlement for the damages.
Get Legal Advice
If the at-fault driver is uncooperative or not insured, you might have to resort to getting legal advice. This may involve pursuing legal action to recover the costs of the repairs and any other damages.
Choice Of Repairer
When you’re uninsured and have to rely on the at-fault driver’s insurance to pay for the damages, you may not be able to choose the repairer that you want.
If this is the case, get in touch with us first as we may be able to negotiate on your behalf to try and settle your not at fault insurance claim.
Contact Bridge Road Body Works
When you’ve been involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault and your car is not insured, make sure that you contact us here at Bridge Road Body Works on (03) 9428 1833 to see how we can help with your not at fault claim.